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Information Overload? Writer’s Block? Here’s help!

Welcome! What are you looking for? 

Here are some links to writing and study skills resources, recommended by Student to Student tutors.  We’ve gathered and listed online pages with friendly, helpful, how-to guidelines for success in any subject.

We’ve collected links to a variety of pages, each with ideas for making your study experience more productive...

file iconCreate an essay plan the "Map" way.
 We do need paragraphs! However, the map format presents ideas with shapes, lines, and pictures, to present your ideas in a visually vibrant way. Try mapping your essay as you plan the paper or later in the writing process.
Essay Mind Map example
file iconMessage (and time) in a bottle!
 Created with students in mind, this site offers time management guidelines plus an interactive Message in a Bottle" exercise. See where your time goes...
How’s your time management?
file iconA guide for research writers
 So what!? It sounds like an insensitive question, but it is the most valuable question for a research paper. As yourself "So what?" What is the point you are trying to prove by addressing this particular issue? This website directly addresses this quesion. Look to the left of the page in the green column...--Jessica, Writing Tutor
Research paper? So what!
file icon"So what?" guide for research writers
 It sounds like an insensitive question, but "So what?" is the most valuable question for a research paper. Ask yourself "So what?" What is the point you are trying to prove by addressing this particular issue? This website directly addresses this quesion. Look to the left of the page in the green column...--Jessica, Writing Tutor
Research paper? So what!
file iconWhat drives you to learn? Explore your motives...
 Have you ever had a hard time getting motivated for an assignment? Try asking yourself what you want to learn in this project. --Noelle, Writing and Study Skills Tutor
Rev up your motivation!
file iconEasy menu-style site:
 On this page are a wide array of ideas for studying, writing, and citing sources. Take only a minute, and you’ll learn something here! --Carl, Study Skills Peer Tutor
Study Guides & Strategies here
file iconTry the M.U.R.D.E.R. study strategy
 If you go through the process this acronym describes, you’ll be "on top" of your studies. --Carl, Peer Tutor recommends. Apply the information this page offers.-->
the M.U.R.D.E.R. Study Strategy
file iconCreating A Thesis Statement
Thesis Statement Help
file iconMLA Formatting and Style Guide
MLA Help
file iconAPA Formatting and Style Guide
APA Help
file iconHow To Use Adjectives
Help With Adjectives For ESL Students
file iconHow To Use Articles
Help With Articles For ESL Students
file iconPreposition Guide
Help With Prepositions For ESL Students
file iconSubject / Verb Agreement
Help With Subject / Verb Agreement For ESL Students
file iconQuestions? Contact Tutoring Coordinator
Email Sally Nick

Study tips for many subjects

file iconBalance all these books, notes, AND my time?
 A treasure for all students...Whether you’re trying to streamline your strategies or manage your memory, "" has hundreds of helpful how-to ideas. Start with the "Flashy Intro" video. --Sally Nick, Tutoring Coordinator
How to has news you can use...
file iconLoaded with lecture notes? Map your lectures!
 By creating Mind Maps after any lecture, you can benefit by putting the central themes of the lecture into your own words, into a context you can readily understand. Then, spend time immersed in the information, dwelling upon and organizing ideas in this alternative way. --Noelle, Writing & Study Skills Tutor
Lecture Mind Maps turn your notes into pictures...
file iconLearning a new language? Try this activity...
 So much of learning a new language requires memorizaton of material and concepts. This study tip site helps you focus on your own memorization style and gives great advice and effective techniques for remembering.--Michele, Spanish Tutor
Memory Pretest
file iconHave you tried Mind Mapping?
 Do you have writer’s block or information overload? Mind mapping is a less-stressful tool to use when writing, taking notes, or memorizing. In the video, author Tony Buzan explains, "The mind map...reflects externally what goes on inside your head." Give mind mapping atry and see how it can help you expand and connect your ideas on paper. --Krista, Writing & Study Skills Tutor
See a Mind Map and watch a video
file iconStudy skills and Concept Understanding in Sociolgy
 Since Sociology is a field that many students are not familiar with, this page will help. I recommend taking notes on every lecture, noting any new vocabular, and making margin notes. On this page is also an example form of a visual aid that you can use to commit new terms and concepts to memory. Check it out! Jessica--Sociology Peer Tutor
Sociology--Reading & Memory Strategies