
The Documents page provides links to the course syllabus and other important handouts.
file iconEssary Winter 05
file iconPortfolio Guidelines Winter 05
file iconSyllabus Winter 05
file iconLocating the Topic, Main Idea & Major Details
file iconSummary of Zawodniak essay
 This summary is a model of what a summary written from a summary outline. See the summary outline of Zawodniak’s essay which is also posted on this website.

Model Work

file iconA Sample summary--Zawodniak’s "I’ll Have to Help"
file iconModel Essay on Admirable Person
file iconModel Essay on admirable person. htm
file iconSample Summary of Zawodniak essay. htm


file iconSample discussion questions


file iconOptional reading material
file iconReading and Marking It. html
file iconReading and Marking your reading
file iconWorksheet for Summary Outlink of hooks essay
file iconOptional Readings
Challenging negative self-talk

Writing Assignments

file iconBio-poem
file iconBio-poem. web format
file iconEssay 3--comparison or contrast
file iconEssay 3--comparison or contrast web format
file iconEssay 4 Higher Education
file iconEssay 4--Higher Education. htm
file iconGrading Grid Essay 3--web format
file iconGrading Grid Essay 3
file iconHow to Write a Response
file iconHow to Write a Response.htm
file iconPortfolio Guidelines
 How to prepare for the biggest assignment of the quarter!
file iconPortfolio Guidelines--web format
 How to prepare for the biggest assignment of the quarter!
file iconSummary outline with main ideas--bell hooks. web version
file iconSummary Outline with Main Ideas--hooks
 Use the main ideas from each section as the major details for your summary for Essay #2.
file iconEssay 1--An Admirable Person
file iconTips for integrating quotes into your Essay
file iconEssay 1--An Admirable Person

Learning journals

file iconJournal guidelines and assignment for Journal 1
file iconLearning Journal 2
 See Jan for worksheets to help you brainstorm for ideas in Part II-B. Be sure to turn the worksheets in with your journal on Friday.
Also, clearly label your Journal as "Learning Journal #2," and leave a 2"margin on one side of the paper.
file iconLearning Journal 4
file iconLearning Journal 5
file iconEditorials for sum outline & summary in Journal 5
 This document contains the two editorials you chose from to complete your beginning of the quarter summary. See directions in Journal 5 document for specific assignment.

Book Clubs

file iconBook Club Members
file iconBook Club Members
file iconGuidelines for Book Club Presentation
file iconGuidelines for Book Club Presentations
file iconGuidelines for Book Club Presentations

Weekly Schedules

file iconWeek 10
file iconWeek 10. htm
file iconWeek 10. htm
file iconWeek 2
file iconWeek 2 Schedule
file iconWeek 3
file iconWeek 3--html version
file iconWeek 4 Schedule
file iconWeek 4 Schedule. html
file iconWeek 5
file iconWeek 5. htm
file iconWeek 6
file iconWeek 6.html
file iconWeek 7
file iconWeek 7. htm
file iconWeek 8
file iconWeek 8
file iconWeek 8--web format
file iconWeek 9
file iconWeek 9 htm


file iconCourse Activities and Class Policies